Tuesday, January 22, 2008

All The Colors of the Rainbow

There is a terribly annoying song on one of my son's toys. Like most child development toys, it starts out innocent enough but after a few hundred plays one begins to dread hearing that all-too-perky female voice singing:

"All the colors of rainbow
Are so beautiful to me

All the colors of the rainbow
Are smiling back at me"

Looking down at my just completed puzzle mat mosaic, it was that song that first entered my mind...and it has remained there now for nearly 24 hours. Smirking a bit from the humor of it, even now as I write here I find myself self singing:

"There's Red, Orange, Yellow
Green, Blue, Purple

Red, Orange, Yellow
Green, Blue, Purple"

Funny though it may be, if I can't purge my wind of this wretched song I believe I'll soon go mad.

Training took a short course last night after finishing laying the floor down. All in all, it amounted to little more than a few slow walkthroughs of one beginner kata, one intermediate kata, and Jion, which will likely be my test kata if all goes as planned. Hardly an intense workout, but it was my first chance to give the completed floor a whirl, so at least I got that in.

The floor complete, I'm now turning my attention to a few other lingering items. The Dojo Kun and Niju Kun still need to be hung on the wall near my makiwara and the repairs to the frame hodling my dan certificate are a top priority. And, for the sake of sheer caution, I'll have to find a 5" pole pad to cover the support beam in the basement that unfortunately stands amidst my rainbow of puzzle mats. Soon enough, I suppose. Progress is progress and things continue to feel like they're moving in the right direction...

Days to Dan PreTest#1: 53

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